This journey is proving to get more and more difficult which has taken me by surprise a bit....the boys are getting stronger each and every day but these short one hour (and just one baby-so I alternate the boys each time) visits are breaking my heart! I am so in love with my boys and leaving them after a measly hour of holding just one of them is tearing me up. Its so incredibly difficult. I go every other day and the other Mom's in my pod in the NICU go see their baby every day but they dont have any other children at home and they all live close to the hospital. I can only go if I have a sitter for Brooklyn so as you can imagine, every other day and just an hour of holding one of them is breaking my heart. It feels like forever when I finally get to see them again!
They are more alert now and both my boys are off their IV's and at full feeds for their weight via nasogastric tube so I am greatful they are gaining weight (slowly but surely) and doing so incredibly well. They held off on the protein powder since they are gaining adequate weight with just breast milk so that is another plus.
Ryder finally hit his birthweight yesterday of 3lbs 6oz - took 2weeks, holy smokes! So now I am officially on the 1800 grams c-o-u-n-t-d-o-w-n because once one of the boys hits 1800 grams, they graduate to an open crib together! I cant wait because that also means I can hold them for much longer and interact with them so much more than I can while they are in individual isolette's. I figure by mid-week they should be in a crib and I will just show up one day to see them and they will finally be out of their fish bowls (ie. isolette's) and I will be able to just reach in and pick my boys up!!! Im so excited for that.
When I got to the NICU yesterday, I noticed two of their nurses had done the boys footprints for me and left them at Cruz and Ryder's stations. I had already made an attempt to get Ryder's and also attempted to get Cruz's handprints but those were a disaster. I shed a few tears when I saw them, they were just so beautiful and she put some very sweet personal touches on them as well. They are beautiful keepsakes that I will cherish forever! I have attached a photo for all of you to see as well. Ironically, I picked up Deja's paw print from the Vet's office on my way home from the hospital today.........footprints mark the start of two new precious lives and a paw print marks the departure of a beloved companion/family member. I feel very blessed to have had Deja in my life for 11 years and of course to have two beautiful, little boys (and let's not forget about my sweetheart, Brooklyn as well lol).
We had a couple of beautiful floral arrangements delivered to the house the last few days from the Police Department. My husband couldn't believe the chief sent us flowers, along with all the members at his department. They are beautiful and brightened my day. That was very nice of them to aknowledge the birth of our twins.
Brooklyn turns 2 in just 3 weeks time so I had better plan a small something or rather for her. I want to have a nice party for her, I have just been so busy with the boys, commuting, organizing sitters, pumping, taking care of her (and Chris has been away the last 3 days and isnt back for another couple of days as he's attending a wedding out of town). I think I'll keep it simple and either have a bouncy castle party at our house or a bouncy castle party at the local water park (assuming the weather is going to stay nice. Its been a wet, sunless summer here unfortunately. I think she wants a bike for her Birthday because every time the neighbor kids go by she yells, "bike, bike, bike!". I better start working on an EVITE so she has at least a couple of friends show up for it, ha ha.
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