My Cousin Jessica and my Mom threw me a baby shower on the 10th. It was awesome! It was a Dr.Seuss theme, THING 1 and THING 2 of course and Jessica made so many beautiful things and paid attention to so much detail that a girl couldn't ask for a better shower. The only down side was that everyone assumed it was cancelled (the logical decision I suppose) and about 40% of the people that RSVP'd didn't come. Everyone told me to rest and to re-schedule but the food was pre-ordered and Chris's Aunt drove down from Kamloops for it so I really wanted to go.When we picked a date for the shower, we never thought in a million years that the Twins would arrive BEFORE the baby shower that was planned WELL in advance (2 months before my due date). Looking back, I shouldn't have gone just 2 days post-op from my delivery/surgery but the Oxycodone was in full effect and I felt great on Saturday when I decided to commit to going and got a hospital pass despite the fact that I delivered the twins just 48 hours before........but those were the drugs/hormones talking when I committed to it because post-op day 2 (morning of the shower) I was feeling pretty rough and was in a ton of pain but the meds carried me through for a few hours and then I pretty much crashed, hopped in my Mom's car and she drove me back to the hospital. The shower was super fun though and we played the "poo" game (my favorite baby shower game...you know the one where you melt a bunch of different chocolate bars into diapers and try to figure out which chocolate bar it is by looking at the poop!? So many people hate that game but it's my and Jessica's favorite, ha ha). Jessica also had a "photo booth" with stuff to dress up in and took pics of everyone dressed up all silly for the guest book. Brooklyn sure liked the boa's and even Daddy dressed up and took a pic with us. It was a good time:) Thanks Jessica and Mom....love you guys!
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