So I had a huge weight gain last week and put on a solid 5 lbs in one week which brings me to grand total of around 14 lbs and Im 16 weeks on Thursday. Im not much bigger carrying twins than I was with my daughter a few years ago but Im sure one of these days I will wake up and wonder where my feet went when I look down, ha ha. It certainly helps being tall....more space and easier to hide it for sure.
I had my monthly appointment with my obstetrician today and got to hear both their heartbeats briefly which was nice since the doppler I have at home has failed to pick up even one of the two heart beats.
Im most excited about my 18 week ultra sound next Wednesday though (on April.13th).....I pray the Doctor will reveal the twin's genders to us so I can start planning and purchasing things for these babes! We will finally be able to start the nursery once we know but Im certain I will lose my mind if I leave there not knowing genders. Chris is gung-ho about a hockey themed nursery if they are boys and plans to install wainscoting to look close to traditional NHL boards and plans to paint the base boards yellow and the chair rail at the top of the wainscotting blue to look like a real hockey arena.....with some hockey decals or murals on the upper half of the walls, lol. He is obsessed with hockey but I think it will make for a super cute twin boys room. If they are girls.... well, we have no plans for a theme as of yet! ha ha. I personally think the twins are boys but Chris is certain they are girls because genetically, there is a definite deficit of the XY chromosome in his family (he is an only child too). He has plenty of Aunty's and female cousins but just one uncle. He is surrounded by women and so he expects two more!!!
I have been feeling alright lately and have had some improvement with the exhaustion and fatigue. I havnt had to go to bed at 6 or 7 pm for over a week now, so that has gotten a bit better. I have had chronic headaches this pregnancy though that last for days on end so that has been a pain in the butt. When they get really bad I have to take two regular strength tylenol but usually end up toughing it out as much as I can.
We bought a great glider and ottoman off craigslist yesterday (I'm addicted to Craigslist, ha ha) for the twins nursery and the gal was so sweet and offered to deliver it to my house all the way from Bellingham, Washington. Poor girl got very lost on the way as her GPS took her all over the place and by the time she got to our house, she was almost 2 hours late and then never had time to drive to Vancouver to take her 2 year old to the aquarium (which was the purpose of her trip). I felt so bad for her and her little guy that was stuck in the car for almost 3 hours!!!
1. Photo on the left is 10 weeks pregnant with twins
2. Photo on the right is just shy of 16 weeks pregnant with twins
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